Exploring the Intersection of Music and Food: A Conversation with Nik Bärtsch and Lena Schmidt

What is your favourite breakfast?

Lena: Lately I am into some squeezed bananas with nuts and cereals.
Nik: I usually make a bowl with many different grains and fruits, and a bit of honey. And it does not actually change. I have everything stored so the ingredients are always there when I need them. Haha. And the green tea of course!

And what happens when you don’t drink the green tea?

Nik: It will be difficult for me to stand. I can drink something else, but green tea makes me balanced and happy.

How are you feeling about tonight/This week?

Nik: I am looking forward to it, because I have actually wanted to play with Lena for years, but there was no right time before now. This opportunity was something nice so that we could work on something new together. I rarely perform new stuff, so I am very happy. Haha.
Lena: This is our first time performing together in public. A lot of the music we are going to play is

already existing, and now we have collaborated together in new ways.
Nik: So some of the songs that Lena sings have been recorded with her own band and some of mine alone or with my band.

Your music has been described as "satisfying" and "nourishing" to listen to. How do you think music and food are connected, and do you have any particular food or drink that you like to consume while making music or performing?

Nik: I find this an interesting comparison because, I think music also nourishes you, in a way that it transcends energy, something that can build you up, inspires, energises you, or it could also calm you down. And our music may be in the very right spot, because the place where the kitchen is very refined and reduced to a peer concept. And it’s a bit similar in my and our music. Music refinement reduction, precision, but also kind of exquisite taste. Personally, when I play a show, I usually drink a very good Japanese green tea before.

Lena: Usually the drink after the performance is more important than the before, haha. When I am playing, I drink water, otherwise there is too much influence. And after I sometimes like to drink a beer.

You've mentioned in interviews that you're interested in sustainability and the impact of food production on the environment. How do you approach making environmentally conscious choices when it comes to food, and do you think musicians have a responsibility to promote sustainable living?

Nik: I think everyone has the same responsibility. It also depends a lot from your profession how much you are able to have an impact. I especially value quality and sustainability. Even if it’s a little bit more expensive. And I think it’s similar to music, it’s a long development and investment, you don’t do it when you are only interested in profit.

Many musicians are on tour for long periods of time and often have to rely on fast food or other unhealthy options while travelling. How do you maintain a healthy diet and take care of your body while on tour?

Nik: That, for me, is very important. I am not the purest in a way, when it comes to travelling, so that means also sometimes to respect local circumstances. But in general I prefer not to eat than to eat something really bad. Usually when I go on tour I like to care and sometimes bring my own food too. And I am always open to discovering local places. I recently was in Istanbul and I discovered many cool local places.

Is there anything specific you do before the concert?

Nik: The concerts are usually pretty late so I usually sleep in the afternoon. That is something that is very important for the concert. Somehow it reopens the second part of the day. And just to relax in between and drink some tea, is my usual preparation.
Lena: I don’t have a special routine as the conditions are always so different. What I usually do before the concert is that I try to get into the body. Could be meditation or yoga. I try to bring awareness to my lower back.

Have you ever been to Tallinn?

Nik: Yes, I have played 3-4 times at Jazzkaar festival, which actually just starts now very soon.I have good friends in Estonia and Estonian-Swiss singer Ingrid Lukas is one of my closest colleagues. And your name is Alina, is it inspired from the piece from Arvo Pärt? I also know Erkki-Sven Tüür, who is an amazing composer, and also a funny and interesting guy. He was recently invited for a residency in Tonhalle Zürich and we also met here.

Pictures and interview made by Alina Birjuk
20th April 2023
